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Year 6 Transition Page

Transition 2025

The Meads will share any information regarding high school transitions here, including any content shared from Luton Borough Council.

This year, Luton Borough Council have prepared a video on the YouTube platform, which details the application process, and points to consider. It is available to watch here:


Application process

By now, you should have received a letter for your year 6 child (ren) who will be joining their new high schools in September 2025.

Each letter contains:

  1. A letter showing the pupil’s unique identifier number (UID).
  2. A flyer detailing the importance of submitting an application before the closing date and details on how to apply online
  3. A Cardinal Newman Catholic School supplementary form
  4. A translation leaflet.

The documents explain how to apply for a school place for September 2025Please read through this guide to familiarise yourself with the transfer process. It has key dates in a variety of languages. The high school transition part starts on page 84. 

How to apply for a school place guide for September 2025.

Both Luton Borough Council and The Meads Primary School are encouraging online applications for high schools through the portal using your child’s unique identifier number (UID) here.

Portal Home (luton.gov.uk) 


On Thursday 26th September at 2:00 PM, we will be holding a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session followed by a session for parents/carers, which will be delivered by a member of the LBC admissions team. These sessions are aimed to support and answer any questions you may have.

Open Evenings

A range of Luton high schools are now organising virtual open evenings so parents / carers and children can have a look around prospective high schools and meet the staff. A timetable of these, which is also available in the booklet, is available here:

We will continue to send any further details of these events directly to parents via SIMS InTouch.

Deadline for applications

Parents / carers must submit their online application to the Admissions Team, via the online portal, by Tuesday 31st October 2024.

The Meads Primary School strongly recommends that parents apply online for a high school place for their child. If you need assistance with submitting a High School application online, please speak to our Family Workers.

Late applications and change of preferences will not be processed in the initial allocation.

Confirmation of a school place

Offer emails will sent to parents during the course of the day on 3rd March 2025 and decision letters will be posted to parents on 3rd March 2025.