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GSO Test

GSO Test


Curriculum Intent

The Meads Primary School is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum, underpinned by our core values of Resilience, Respect, Responsibility, Joy and Kindness. We are strong believers in the positive impact of Art and Design as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. It provides children with opportunities to develop and extend skills to express their individual interests and ideas, whilst also contributing to their emotional, aesthetical, spiritual, intellectual and social development.

 High-quality Art Education equips children with the skills to explore, experiment, create and invent their own artwork whilst simultaneously engaging, inspiring and challenging pupils. As artists, children should be able to evaluate their work and the work of others, taking influence from well-known artists and adapting their work accordingly. As their skill set progresses, they should understand how art has changed their landscape, culture and history.

Curriculum Coverage


Expressive Arts and Design (Exploring and Using Media and Materials)

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

Expressive Arts and Design (Being Imaginative)

Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes. They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.


Autumn 1 – Do You Want to be Friends?

● Create a self-portrait using a mirror including visible parts of the face - eyes, ears, nose, mouth etc.
● Experiment with colour mixing using the primary colours red, yellow and blue

Key vocabulary: self-portrait, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, circle, pencil, line, mix, primary, colour, paint, dip, paintbrush, brushstroke

Autumn 2 – Amazing Autumn and Wonderful Winter

● Transient Art – create an artistic display using seasonal objects
● Create clay models of woodland animals

Key vocabulary: sculpture, mould, roll, woodland, animal, leaf, conker, acorn, ideas, thoughts, Autumn

Spring 2 – Do Lions Live on Farms?

● Explore different techniques including scrunching, folding and fringing to create large-scale art

Key vocabulary: collage, fabric, scrunching, folding, fringing, farm, animal

Summer 1 – Why Do Ladybirds Have Spots and Why Are Carrots Orange?

● Study the artist Guiseppe Arcimboldo – look at art pieces created by Arcimboldo and how he uses fruit and vegetables in his work
● Use fruit and vegetables to create 2D and 3D art
● Observational drawings inspired by Still Life art

Key vocabulary: artist, still life, fruit, vegetable, Guiseppe Arcimboldo, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, observational drawing

Key Stage 1

Pupils should be taught:

● to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
● to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
● to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
● about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.

Year 1:

Autumn 2 – Big City, Bright Lights

Silhouette Skyline – London

● Examine key buildings in London including Big Ben, The London Eye, The Shard, The ‘Walkie-Talkie’ building, Buckingham Palace
● Use drawing skills to recreate these key buildings on black paper
● Use printing techniques including stamping and pressing to create a background
● Stick key buildings onto background to create a silhouette skyline

Key vocabulary: observe, design, line drawing, detail, cityscape, building, line, size, space

Spring 1 – We are digital artists

Flowers – Georgia O’Keefe

● Use sketching techniques to sketch observational drawings of flowers
● Use white and black paint to experiment with shades and tones
● Use primary colours to make secondary colours and identify colours on the colour wheel
● Understand complementary colours and use complementary colours in art work

Key vocabulary: work of art, idea, starting point, observe, focus, design, improve, line drawing, detail, drawings, bold, primary colours, secondary colours, tints, shades, complementary colours, brushstroke

Summer 1 – Splendid Skies

Seasons and Rainbows

● Use primary colours to create secondary colours – use these colours to create a rainbow using the style of Pointillism
● Use a range of collage materials including coloured paper, felt, tissue paper etc. to create a rainbow collage or different colours and textures
● Use painting and collage materials to create a four seasons tree (canvas)

Key vocabulary: collage, squares, gaps, mosaic, features, cut, place, arrange, primary colours, secondary colours, tints, shades

Year 2:

Autumn 1 – Magnificent Monarchs

Monarch Portraits

● Analyse monarch portraits of notable monarchs including Henry VIII, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II
● Replicate sketches of famous monarchs and their famous portraits
● Recreate royal poses with objects of choice and produce detailed sketches of these poses
● Create a digital royal portrait using PixIr

Key vocabulary: portrait, self-portrait, line, drawing, detail, size, space, tints, shades, idea, starting point, observe, focus, design, improve


Spring 1 – (Scratch)We are astronauts

Scratch Junior Sculptures

● Analyse sculptures created by Anthony Gormley
● Create a clay sculpture of a Sprite character using techniques including moulding, cutting and carving

Key vocabulary: sculpture, statue, model, sculptor, carving, moulding, cutting, materials


Summer 2 – Computing – We are game testers

Landscapes – Collage inspired by Megan Coyle - Contemporary artist

● Research and analyse landscapes created by Megan Coyle
 Experiment with different materials to create texture and evaluate choices
 Use different techniques to sketch landscapes
 Use the collage techniques to create a landscape
 Discuss artistic choices made during their creative process
 Evaluate their own and each other’s work

Key vocabulary: landscape, pattern, shape, colour, crayons, wax, oil pastels, Hawaii, squares, collage


Key Stage 2

 Pupils should learn to develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.

Pupils should be taught:

● to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
● to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
● about great artists, architects and designers in history.


Year 3:

Autumn 2 – Rocks, Relics and Rumbles

● Study artist Nick Rowland and his famous volcano art
● Use materials and techniques with paint such as splattering, flicking, dripping and blowing to capture the essence of Nick Rowland’s work

Key vocabulary: colour, foreground, middle ground, background, abstract, blend, mix, technique, splattering, flicking, dripping, blowing, inspiration

Spring 2 – The Ingenious Greeks

Clay Pot Sculptures

● Research Greek pottery
● Use sketching techniques to design a piece of Greek pottery
● Use malleable material clay to create a piece of pottery using techniques including moulding, pressing
● Use malleable material clay to join materials together

Key vocabulary: sculpture, pottery, moulding, shape, form, architect, three-dimensional (3D) shape

Summer1 – Winding Rivers, Swirling Seas- Impressionism-Claude Monet

● Develop an understanding of ‘impressionism’
● Study the artist Claude Monet
● Analyse works of art created by Claude Monet
● Recreate a piece of impressionist art using bright colours and bold brushstrokes


Year 4:

Autumn 1 – In a League of Their Own

Roman Mosaic Art

● Create your own printing block using string and card
● Replicate Roman patterns using printing
● Replicate Roman patterns using collage materials and a range of techniques including overlapping, tessellation, mosaic and montage

Key vocabulary: texture, block printing, printing tiles, mosaic, overlapping, tessellation, montage

Spring 1 – We are software developers, Makers and Musician- Portraits -Frida Kahlo

 Analyse symbolism in Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits
 Research how colour and symbols are used in art to convey a certain message
 Apply knowledge of facial proportions when creating a self-portrait
 Understand how to use tint, shadow and tone in a self-portrait’s background
 Understand how to use shade in a shelf-portrait

Vocabulary: symbol, cultural background, personal experience, facial proportion, tint, tone, shadow, types of brush

Summer 1 – Misty Mountains, Rolling Hills

Perspective Landscape- Pop Art- David Hockney

● Exploring perspective in landscape art e.g. the use of vanishing points, horizon lines and construction lines
● Use pattern to create a piece of abstract art
● Use a range of mediums including pastels, poster paints and pencil crayons to create a piece of landscape artwork

Key Vocabulary: perspective landscape, vanishing points, horizon lines, light, dark, shape, outline, colour, foreground, middle ground, background


Year 5:

Autumn 1 – Oh, What a Gift!

Death masks and canopic jars

● Plan and design a canopic jar
● Create a canopic jar using clay – use tools and materials to carve, add shape, texture and pattern and joining techniques including coils
● Design and create an Egyptian death mask – use papier mache for the face mould and cardboard and paint for the pattern

Key vocabulary: papier mache, Egyptian, death mask, style, design, canopic jar, sculpture, carve, shape, texture, pattern, join, coil

Autumn 2 – Tierra de la Jaguar

South American Art – Beatriz Milhazes

● Study artist Beatrix Milhazes – analyse art pieces created by Milhazes
● Design and draw a piece of art in the style of Milhazes using bright colours and 2D shapes
● Create collagraphs using textured materials to replicate the patterns created by Beatriz Mihazes
● Design a collage in the style of Beatriz Milhades using a range of mixed-media

Key vocabulary: South America, Beatriz Milhazes, shape, form, arrange, collagraph, pattern, contemporary art, inspiration, realism

Summer 1 – We’re All Going on A Summer Holiday

Textured Landscape Art- Mixed Media Contemporary Landscape Art

● Study artist
● Create landscape sketches using a variety of techniques to add effects including shadows, reflection, hatching and cross-hatching
● Create sketches which depict movement and perspective in drawings

Key vocabulary: landscape, texture, shade, tone, thick, light, dark, shadows, hatching, cross-hatching, composition


Year 6:

Autumn 2 – The Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese Landscape Art - Sakura

● Look at pictures of the flora and fauna of Japan, including Sakura (cherry blossom) and cranes
● Use sketching skills and techniques to recreate the flora and fauna in Japan
● Use watercolour techniques including strokes and flicks and a range of watercolour washes including flat, graded and variegated wash

Key vocabulary: flora, fauna, Japan, Sakura, watercolour, flicks, strokes, flat wash, graded wash, variegated wash, line, shape, tone, composition

Summer 1 – Frozen Kingdom

Inuit Stencils and Sculptures

● Create stencils of Polar and Arctic animals including polar bears, seals and reindeer - drawn in Inuit style
● Use stencils to create a piece of pattern art based on Polar and Artic animals using a range of techniques including overlapping and layering
● Use clay to create a 3D sculpture of a Polar or Arctic animal
● Use tools and materials to carve and add pattern

Key vocabulary: Inuit, stencil, shape, form, arrange, sculpture, carve, pattern, negative/positive space

Summer 2 Computing- We are computation A.I. thinkers; We are publishers

The Art of Wordless Story Telling -Surrealism

 Comment on the artworks of Surrealist artists such as Dali, and Magritte with a fluent grasp of visual language
 Continue to develop a personal style of painting, drawing upon ideas from surrealist artists
 Give details (including own sketches) about the style of notable representatives of the Surrealist movement
 Show how the work of those studied was influenced by both society and other artists
 Create an original piece that shows a range of influences and styles within the Surrealist movement

 Key vocabulary: juxtaposition, texture, picture in picture, unconscious, negative/ positive space