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Pupil Premium


Strategic Plan for PPG 2023/2024

Please click this link to see the PPG Strategy Statement for 2023/2024


Impact 2023 - Year 6 test results PPG/Non-PPG





RWM Combined

















At National level, 60% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
At The Meads, 72% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
The Meads is +12% compared to the National results.

At National level, 59% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
At The Meads, 56% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
The Meads is -3% compared to the National results.

At National level, 58% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
At The Meads, 44% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above.
The Meads is -14% compared to the National results.

At National level, 44% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths & Writing.
At The Meads, 32% of Disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
The Meads is -12% compared to the National results. 






RWM Combined

















At National level, 78% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
At The Meads, 79% of Non-PPG Children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
The Meads is +1% compared to the National results.

At National level, 79% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
At The Meads, 78% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
The Meads is -1% compared to the National results.

At National level, 77% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
At The Meads, 76% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
The Meads is -1% compared to the National results

At National level, 66% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
At The Meads, 60% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
The Meads is -6% compared to the National results.


At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading is -18%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading is -7%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Maths is -20%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Maths is -22%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Writing is -19%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Writing is -32%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading, Maths and Writing is -22%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading, Maths and Writing is -28%

Strategic Plan for PPG 2022/2023

Please click this link to see the PPG Strategic Plan for 2022/2023

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2022/2023

Amount Number of Pupils Amount per pupil
Pupil Premium £232,680 168 £1,385
Service 0 0 0
LAC (post LAC) £16,870 7 £2,410
Total £249,550 175 N/A


Impact 2022 - Year 6 test results PPG/Non-PPG


Reading Maths Writing RMW Combined
Meads 69% 66% 63% 60%
National 62% 56% 55% 43%
Plus 7% Plus 10%

Plus 8%

Plus 17%

At National level, 62%  of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
At The Meads, 69% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
The Meads is +7% compared to the National results.

At National level, 56% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
At The Meads, 66% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
The Meads is +10% compared to the National results.

At National level, 55% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
At The Meads, 63% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above.
The Meads is +8% compared to the National results.

At National level, 43% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths & Writing.
At The Meads, 60% of Disadvantaged children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
The Meads is +17% compared to the National results. 


Reading Maths Writing RMW Combined
Meads 83% 87% 83% 75%
National 80% 78% 75% 65%
Plus 3% Plus 9% Plus 8% Plus 10%

At National level, 80% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
At The Meads, 83% of Non-PPG Children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading.
The Meads is +3% compared to the National results.

At National level, 78% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
At The Meads, 87% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Maths.
The Meads is +9% compared to the National results.

At National level, 75% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
At The Meads, 83% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Writing.
The Meads is +8% compared to the National results

At National level, 65% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
At The Meads, 75% of Non-PPG children achieved Expected standard or above in Reading, Maths and Writing.
The Meads is +10% compared to the National results.


At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading is -18%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading is -14%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Maths is -22%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Maths is -21%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Writing is -20%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Writing is -20%

At National level, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading, Maths and Writing is -22%
At The Meads, the difference between PPG and Non-PPG children in Reading, Maths and Writing is -15%


Strategic Plan for PPG 2021/2022
Please click this link to see the PPG Strategic Plan for 2021/2022

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2021/2022

Amount Number of pupils  Amount per pupil
Pupil Premium £228,650 170 £1,345
Service £310 1 £310
LAC (post LAC) £11,725 5 £2,345
Total £240,685 176 N/A


Strategic Plan for PPG: 2020/2021

Please click this link to see the PPG Strategic Plan for 2020/2021

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2020/2021

Amount Number of pupils
Pupil Premium £207,130 154
Service £310 1
LAC (post LAC) £9,380 4
Total £216,820 159


Impact 2020

Year 6 Teacher Assessment 2020

Reading Maths Writing RMW
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Gds 5 16 7 22 4 13 3 9
Exs 22 68 16 50 22 68 20 63
Exs+ 27 84 23 72 26 81 23 72
Gap Gds -19 -2 -4 -2
Gap Exs 28 -3 10 4
Gap Exs+ 9 -5 6 2
Reading Maths Writing RMW
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Gds 19 35 13 24 9 17 6 11
Exs 21 40 28 53 31 58 31 59
Exs+ 40 75 41 77 40 75 37 70
Gds        Children who achieved Greater Depth Standard
Exs  Children who achieved Expected Standar
Exs+ Children who achieved Expected Standard or above
Gap  Difference between Pupil Premium Children's achievement and Non Pupil Premium Children 

Strategic Plan for PPG: 2019/2020

Please click this link to see the PPG Strategic Plan for 2019/2020

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received: 2019/2020

Amount Number of Pupils
Pupil Premium £196,680 149
Service £300 1
LAC £2,300 3




Impact 2019

2019 Year 6 Results PPG

  GPS Reading Maths Writing RMW
  Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Gds 10 42 5 21 8 33 2 8 2 8.3
Exs 9 37 13 54 11 46 15 63 14 59
Exs+ 19 79 18 75 19 79 17 71 16 67
Gap NA 1 2 0 -7 2
GapBD 9 5 6 2 1
GapAD -4 -8 -9 -10 -12

Gap NA = the difference between PPG achievement and National Average
Gap BD=the difference between PPG achievement and Non PPG before disapplication
Gap AD=the difference between PPG achievement and Non PPG after disapplication
The Gap between PPG and Non-PPG is increased after disapplication as no PPG child is disapplied whilst 10 NonPPG children are disapplied . 

National Average 2019

% 78 73 79 78 65

At national level,  51% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected Standard or Above(EXS+) in Reading, Maths and Writing and 5% of disadvantaged children achieved Above(GDS).
At The Meads, 67% of disadvantaged children achieved Expected Standard or Above in Reading, Maths and writing.  8% of disadvantaged children achieved Above.
At national level, 71 % of Non PPG children (all others) achieved Expected Standard or Above(EXS+) in RMW and 13% of them achieved above the Expected Standard(GDS).
At national level, the gap between PPG and Non PPG is -19%
The gap between Meads PPG and national Non- PPG is -4%

2019 Year 6 Results NonPPG
Before Disapplication

  GPS   R   M   W   RWM  
  Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
GDS 24 38 14 22 17 27 6 10 4 6
EXS 20 32 30 48 29 46 37 59 38 60
EXS+ 44 70 44 70 46 73 43 69 42 66

 After Disapplication

  GPS   R   M   W   RWM  
  Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
GDS 24 45 14 26 17 32 6 11 4 8
EXS 20 38 30 57 29 55 37 70 38 71
EXS+ 44 83 44 83 46 88 43 81 42 79
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received: 2018/2019
  Amount Number of pupils
Pupil Premium £212,520 161
Post LAC £2,300 1
Service £300 1
LAC £4,800 5
Total £219,920 168


Impact 2018

Pupil Premium KS2 Results 2018

Year 6 SATS results
Reading Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Mathematics
All PPG (22) PPG at test level (21) All PPG (22) PPG at test level (21) All PPG (22) PPG at test level (21)
National Average 100+ 75% 75% 78% 78% 76% 76%
National SS Average 105 105 106 106 104 104
PP 100+ 90.90% 95.23% 83.36% 90.47% 86.36% 86.36%
PP 110+ 31.81% 33.33% 40.90% 42.85% 18.18% 18.18%
PP SS Average 106.64   107.73   105.95  
  All Non PPG (37) Non PPG at test level (34) All Non PPG (37) Non PPG at test level (34) All Non PPG (37) Non PPG at test level (34)
Non-PP 100+ 62.16% 67.64% 72.97% 79.41% 72.97% 79.41%
Non-PP 110+ 21.62% 23.53% 35.13% 38.23% 27.03% 29.41%
Non-PP SS Average 102.5   105.35   103.79  
Difference PPG - NPPG 100+ 28% 11% 7%
Difference PPG - NPPG 110+ 10% 5% -11%

R.W.M Pupil Premium Results 2018

Year 6 SAT Results - 2017/18 R, W, M
  All PPG (22) PPG at test level (21)
 National Average 100+ 64%  
PPG 100+/EXS+ 77% 81%
PPG 110+/GDS 5% 5%
  All Non PPG (37) Non PPG at test level (34)
Non-PPG 100+/EXS+ 62% 68%
Non-PPG 110+/GDS 2% 3%
  Year 6 (59) Year 6 at test level (55)
Year 6 100+/EXS+ 68% 73%
Year 6 110+/GDS 3% 4%
Difference 110+/GDS 2% 1%


Impact 2017

Pupil Premium Results 2017

Year 6 SAT results – 2016/17  Reading  Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling  Mathematics 
All PPG (43) PPG at test level (41) All PPG (43) PPG at test level (41) All PPG (43) PPG at test level (42)
National Average 100+ 72% 72% 77% 77% 75% 75%
National SS Average 104 104 106 106 104 104
PP 100+ 58% 61% 60% 63% 77% 79%
PP SS Average 102 102 104 104 105 105
  All Non PPG Non PPG at test level All Non PPG Non PPG at test level All Non PPG Non PPG at test level
Non-PP 100+ 49% 55% 68% 76% 66% 74%
Non-PP SS Average 101 101 106 106 103 103
PP achieving target or better 47% 49% - - 77% 79%
Non-PP achieving target or better 40% 45% - - 60% 67%
Difference PP NPP 6%  -13%  5% 


  Reading, Writing, Maths  Reading  Writing  Maths 
  Expected + High Expected + High Expected + High Expected + High
PPG 63% 11% 63% 21% 76% 16% 79% 24%
Non-PPG 40% 6% 46% 13% 65% 19% 67% 17%

Measuring the impact of PPG spending 

The school’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous. Tracking of progress over time for each pupil is thorough, and so we can quickly identify any dips and develop sensible strategies and interventions to promote improvement.

• A wide range of data is used – achievement data, pupils’ work, observations, learning walks, case studies, and staff, parent and pupil voice
• Assessment Data is collected half-termly/termly so that the impact of interventions can be monitored regularly
• Assessments are closely moderated to ensure they are accurate
• Teaching staff and support staff attend and contribute to pupil progress meetings each term and the identification of children is reviewed
• Regular feedback about performance is given to children and parents
• Interventions are adapted or changed if they are not working
• A designated member of the SLT maintains an overview of pupil premium spending
• A governor works closely with the pupil premium team

We will use Raise Online, KS2 KS1, Phonics, EYFS as well as whole school data (using Classroom Monitor) to evaluate impact in terms of attainment and progress.

The school evaluated the impact on each pupil at the end of the summer term. Evaluation focused on academic gains and how pupils' self-confidence and well-being developed as a consequence of the intervention/support, as well as their engagement with wider school life.  Progress in literacy and mathematics for those year 6 pupils benefiting from the 'Achievement for All' and 'Assertive Mentoring' programmes in particular was outstanding overall.  Across the school, all pupils made progress and participation in the wider life of the school increased, as measured through attendance at after school clubs and events; this support will form part of next year's provision.

ALL teaching staff and support staff are involved in analysis of data and identification of pupils and are aware of who pupil premium and vulnerable children are. ALL pupil premium children benefit from the funding, not just those who are underperforming with underachievement at all levels being targeted (not just lower attaining pupils).