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GSO Test


Welcome to The Meads - A school where all want to be, full of joy, that meets everyone's needs.

Dear Parents:

Here at The Meads we believe that education is a partnership between home and school and we hope to strengthen links with you as your children move through our school, enabling them to develop and realise their full potential across the breadth of the curriculum we provide.

The Meads is a values-based school. Values (which include Fundamental British Values) are promoted through all aspects of school life. Values essential to developing self-respect and regard for others, and for making a positive contribution to society are discussed and explored with children in lessons, in assemblies and in everyday interactions. Our Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Kindness, and Joy form part of our wider values programme. We strongly believe in making our school a central part of our community and in giving children the skills and understanding to make a positive contribution to that community – values-based education is crucial in this. 

We are proud of our school; our most recent OFSTED inspection report recognised that we are a 'good' school that continues to improve, and our most recent End of Key Stage 2 results were in line with national expectations for all subject areas.

We hope that you will be able to visit us and meet the people who work here. We look forward to getting to know you and we are confident that your child's time here with us will be enjoyable, successful and memorable.


Yours faithfully

Richard Jenkins


Please click here to read our School Values Policy.

Ethos and Values

At The Meads we are proud to celebrate each child as an individual with unique needs, aspirations and beliefs. We aim to give each child the opportunity to flourish and develop through a nurturing, creative and engaging learning journey, enabling them to take responsibility for their own learning. Our values programme promotes diversity and unites children, parents, staff, governors and the wider community in our shared goal to help our children to become emotionally intelligent, resilient and socially responsible individuals who set and achieve the highest standards for themselves.


Please click here to read our School Vision, which describes the perfect day in the school we aspire to be every day...