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GSO Test

KS2 Results

Summary of End of Key Stage 2 Results – 2023/24

2023/24 Percentage of pupils achieving EXS+ Percentage of pupils achieving GDS+ Progress Scores Average 'scaled scores'
Reading 84% 34% N/A 107
Writing 74% 12% N/A N/A
Maths 82% 37% N/A 106
Grammar, Punctuation
and Spelling
88% 49% N/A N/A
Reading, Writing and
Maths combined
72% 12% N/A N/A

EXS = Expected Standard          GDS = Greater Depth of Standard

Progress measures
There are no Progress Scores for this cohort due to them not taking statutory tests at the end of KS1 as a result of the pandemic.


Average scaled scores

The scaled score indicator is only applicable for reading and maths and ranges between 80 - 120.

An average scaled score of 100 is the expected national pass benchmark.

Summary of End of Key Stage 2 Results – 2022/23

2022/23 Percentage of pupils achieving EXS+ Percentage of pupils achieving GDS+ Progress Scores Average 'scaled scores'
Reading 77% 27% +0.2 105
Writing 67% 4% -2.1 N/A
Maths 71% 23% -0.1 104
Grammar, Punctuation
and Spelling
80% 24% N/A N/A
Reading, Writing and
Maths combined
53% 2% N/A N/A

EXS = Expected Standard          GDS = Greater Depth of Standard

Progress measures

Most schools' progress measures will fall between -5.0 and +5.0

Progress measure of 0 (zero) means pupils make expected progress since end of previous key stage.  

> 0 score = better than expected progress

< 0 score = worse than expected outcomes

Average scaled scores

The scaled score indicator is only applicable for reading and maths and ranges between 80 - 120.

An average scaled score of 100 is the expected national pass benchmark.


Summary of End of Key Stage 2 Results – 2021/22

2021/22 Percentage of pupils achieving EXS+ Percentage of pupils achieving GDS+ Progress Scores Average 'scaled scores'
Reading 78% 31% +0.1 105
Writing 76% 14% +0.9 N/A
Maths 78% 23% +0.4 105
Grammar, Punctuation
and Spelling
75% 34% N/A N/A
Reading, Writing and
Maths combined
70% 7% N/A N/A

EXS = Expected Standard          GDS = Greater Depth of Standard

(Please note there was no national testing in KS2 in either 2019/20 or 2020/21 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Results for 2021/22 are not comparable to previous years.)

Progress measures

Most schools' progress measures will fall between -5.0 and +5.0

Progress measure of 0 (zero) means pupils make expected progress since end of previous key stage.  

> 0 score = better than expected progress

< 0 score = worse than expected outcomes

Average scaled scores

The scaled score indicator is only applicable for reading and maths and ranges between 80 - 120.

An average scaled score of 100 is the expected national pass benchmark.



For further information click here to view the primary school performance tables.